Code consists of instructions written in alien machine languages. Contrary to popular belief, they are much easier to read and write than human languages. In fact, you are going to learn how to code right now!
How to code
Let's get right down to it: All you need to learn are five core concepts. The language doesn't matter. At a high level, they're all the same. Half of them look like C, not the grade or the speed, but the language. Let's follow in the footsteps of everyone else and write our code to be like C.
One of the absolute worst thing you can do while learning to code is to learn a language. When you muddy the simple waters of code with the murky depths of a language, you end up learning mostly unnecessary, random information and thinking it applies to all code. This only leaves you a great big mess to sort out afterward. Since all teachers of code for some reason assume their students want a mess, learning to code has developed an unnecessarily bad reputation. Let's clean it up and see what we're really dealing with.
Variables are how you store all the things. They can take different forms, such as text, numbers and booleans. It should be noted that boolean is an actual word, and a boolean can have only two values: true or false. Creating variables might look like this:
var userName = "Ada Lovelace" var userAge = 209 var isAlive = false
Many languages need you to tell them what type a variable is. For those, the code might look like this:
string userName = "Ada Lovelace" int userAge = 209 bool isAlive = false
There are four types used for basically everything:
- string: text surrounded by quotes
- int: integer, a whole number
- float or double: a real number, with a decimal point in it
- bool: boolean, can be either true or false
Don't let the obnoxious word frighten you. The original authors dislike it too, and have long since shown their disdain by replacing it with the much shorter if.
What now?
Now you pick your first language. Much like buying your first car, this will depend on your needs and desires, but should prove to be much cheaper.
Due to the above comparison, we will not be advising you to "break a leg," but will instead wish you Godspeed.